Get all Categories and Items: 
   Get all Categories: 
    Get all Items from a specific Category: 

   Format: <hostname>/get/category/<category_name>/items.json { "Items": [ { "Category": "Python", "description": "Udacity is the unification of insightful video lectures and improved quizzes to achieve the interactive feel for students, so it’s ideal for those who don’t like to read but rather get explanations from industry professionals such as Google employees.", "id": 8, "name": "Udacity", "url": "" }, { "Category": "Python", "description": "Learn to program in Python, a powerful language used by sites like YouTube and Dropbox. Codecademy is indisputably the most famous website to teach you to code interactively, thanks to its helpful interface and well-structured courses.", "id": 9, "name": "Codecademy", "url": "" } ] }

    Get a specific item from a specific category: 

   Format: <hostname>/get/<category_name>/<item_name>/item.json { "Item": { "Category": "Python", "description": "Learn to program in Python, a powerful language used by sites like YouTube and Dropbox. Codecademy is indisputably the most famous website to teach you to code interactively, thanks to its helpful interface and well-structured courses", "id": 8, "name": "Udacity", "url": "" } }