
What is LearnCode?

LearnCode is created with a simple goal of allowing you to make process of where to find resources for learning how to code. It does not matter whether you are a beginner, advanced or intermediate student. We have all levels to fit your needs since knowing how to code is fundamental for today's rapid technological innovations.

LearnCode considers children as the treasure for shaping the future and places utmost dedication in giving them all the tools, support, and right to learn how to code.  

"To get an opportunity to learn computer science and coding should be a right of every child. The subject of computer science should be considered of similar importance as other subjects(bio,maths,chemistry,etc) that are taught in school." - Danish J. (Founder LearnCode)

Our aim is to channel you in right direction to find the right tutorials and courses for learning different programming languages and technologies. There are already brilliant of resources available with some highly talented individuals dedicated to create those for you. We just want to highlight those resources to you to ensure best use of their hard work and sincerity. Our sincere gratitude and thanks to following projects and work for their continuous efforts of providing opportunities for learning and seeking education from INTERNET medium that can reach every corner of this planet.

How does LearnCode works?

LearnCode works by enhancing collaboration and sharing of knowledge. Each interested individual who whether wants to learn or share learning resources with the community can create a category and add resources to it. The individual may have to login with Google or Facebook account to enter content for data integrity purpose. The author of the content or the web administrator can modify or delete the content. We humbly request you to avoid any spam and help us serve the community better. We encourage you to share all the content of this site in your sites or projects. You can get data through our RestApi.